
For Conditions and Terms of the Scottish Clans Event Fund use the web link below to access the EventScotland, Scottish Clans Event Fund website and the telephone number to contact them to be sent an application form:

Whilst this fund is limited to a maximum of £5000, this does not preclude larger applications to be directed to EventScotland if applicable.

Another route to funding is through your local Council which in this case is The Highland Council. Avenues available are the Ward Discretionary Fund, follow the link and download applications form from The Highland Council web site, and the Highland Culture Fund, as above. For both these funds, the first approach should be through your ward councillors. Leader funding may also be available for projects that benefit those living in Highland Communities. Although closed for 2013, for future years this may be worth consideration. It may well help with development costs in some cases. To quote “Whether it is a facility, historic asset, a publication, a research study or new interpretation and path works, LEADER can consider it. Ideas which support the local economy, help the natural environment, women or young people may apply as can projects related to the culture of the area.” (Editors emphasis). There are other funding routes available depending on aspirations so never say no. It may also be worth contacting the local Community Council in the area of your event who may be able to assist.